Frequently Asked Questions About Wills & Trusts

wills and trusts faq

Planning for the future can be overwhelming and intimidating, especially if you are unsure how to proceed. You want to get your legal and financial affairs in order for those you will leave behind, but where do you start? What do you need to know about estate planning today to take care of your loved…

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Common Misconceptions About Power of Attorney

poa misconceptions

A power of attorney is an estate planning document that gives one or more persons of your choice the power to act on your behalf. POAs can be used for various circumstances, and agents can be granted the authority to make financial to medical decisions on behalf of a principal.  Having this is beneficial as…

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The Pros and Cons of Trusts

Pros and Cons of Trusts

Estate planning is an important legal process that creates a formal plan for what happens to your assets after your incapacity or passing. By creating a formal estate plan, you can protect your family from legal problems and unburden them from having to sort out your finances and assets if you cannot offer input.  …

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Everything You Need to Know About Estate Planning & Wealth Preservation

wealth preservation

Estate planning is integral to wealth management to protect your assets and ensure your family’s financial security. It involves deciding how you want your properties to be managed and distributed in the event of your incapacitation or demise. While many people may think that estate planning and wealth preservation are only for the wealthy, everyone…

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Top 10 Reasons To Get Going on an Estate Plan

power of attorney

Used synonymously with wealth preservation planning, estate planning involves anticipating the future and making arrangements regarding your assets that will take effect upon your passing.  An estate plan typically consists of wills and trusts, powers of attorney, and other estate planning matters that can’t be included in the will. These legal documents are bound to…

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