Keep Your Assets and Legacy Secure

“While I am alive, I want to control my property. If I become disabled, I want to take care of me and my loved ones. I want to give what I have to whom I want, the way I want and when I want, and I want to save every tax dollar, legal fee and court cost legally possible.”

Estate planning is a crucial part of financial management to help ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes after your passing. It involves creating a plan for your estate that considers your current and future needs, such as healthcare, financial security and legacy planning. It gives you peace of mind in knowing that your wishes are carried out, ensuring that your hard-earned money and possessions are passed on to your loved ones in the way you intended.             

With the help of experienced estate planning attorneys, you guarantee that your assets are appropriately managed and that your wishes are respected. If you are searching for estate planning law firms in Charleston SC, get in touch with the expert attorneys at Wiles Law. We are committed to assisting clients in formalizing their wishes that establish the financial control they desire. 

Four Benefits of Estate Planning

Specialized Solutions That Ensure a Financially-Stable Future

Avoid Probate

Probate is a lengthy and expensive legal process that inventories and distributes the assets previously owned by a deceased person. It can take months, sometimes even years, before the estate is finally settled. But with estate planning, your assets will pass directly to your beneficiaries without going through probate court.

Tax Savings

Estate planning can reduce the amount of taxes owed by your estate. Through careful planning, you can take advantage of various tax exemptions and deductions to minimize the tax burden on your heirs. This means your family or chosen charities will receive more because their inheritance won't have significant tax bites.

Maintain Control

Estate planning gives you control over how your assets are distributed after your death. You can designate beneficiaries, specify who will manage your estate, and determine how your assets will be used. A well-established estate plan guarantees that your directives are fulfilled in the most timely and tax-efficient manner.

Peace of Mind

Without an estate plan, the state will decide how your assets will be distributed among your inheritors. This may create tensions within the family and lead to possible debts due to legal fees your loved ones have to pay while their case is in probate court. Creating an estate plan prevents all these from happening.


Customer Testimonials

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Many decisions are involved in planning your estate, making it a complex process that requires professional assistance. Wiles Law is an esteemed estate planning law firm that can help you navigate the complexities of making pertinent arrangements concerning your wealth and legacy. We can assist in the following areas:

Wills and Trusts

A will is a legal document outlining how your assets should be distributed after your passing. On the other hand, trusts are entities you can use to manage assets and provide for beneficiaries. Both documents ensure that your wishes are carried out while minimizing taxes, protecting assets from creditors and providing for inheritors who are too young or otherwise unable to manage their finances.

Wealth Preservation Planning

Wealth preservation in estate planning is the process of protecting assets for future generations. It involves a variety of strategies designed to reduce tax bites and ensure assets are given according to the estate owner's wishes. With the help of established estate planning lawyers, you can safeguard your legacy and protect your heirs from overwhelming taxes and the unjustified claims of creditors.

Asset Protection

Asset protection safeguards your assets from creditors, lawsuits, and other liabilities. It involves creating strategies that legally shield your wealth from being taken by parties to settle unwarranted claims. Take the necessary steps toward asset protection with the help of the attorneys at Wiles Law to ensure that  your estate is distributed smoothly and tax-efficiently to your inheritors.

Powers of Attorney

Powers of attorney are legal documents that allow an individual to appoint someone else to make financial and medical care decisions on their behalf if they become incapacitated. Wiles Law's Charleston estate planning attorney will work with you in creating a plan suited to your needs. We ensure your healthcare and financial decisions are accomplished and will act in your best interests.

Charitable Planning

Charitable planning allows you to leave a lasting legacy. It involves giving gifts to charitable organizations during your lifetime or death so that your values and goals can continue to be supported in perpetuity. One of the most common benefits is the ability to reduce the amount of estate tax, allowing you to give more to the people and groups that matter the most to you.

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