Tips for Planning Charitable Giving
Giving is a great way to create a positive impact and contribute to the causes you care about the most. However, it can be challenging to navigate the philanthropy world for those still new to it. With so many organizations, it isn’t easy to know where to start. To give you a starting point, advanced…
Read MoreRights of Survivorship in South Carolina
Property ownership is assigned to individuals with property titles, with their names and signatures on the legal documents. If two or more people pool resources to acquire a property, they can become its legal joint owners. How you hold title to a property with another individual can have far-reaching effects on your family or…
Read MoreWhy Would You Need a Probate Attorney
While it’s natural to want to handle your legal affairs or those of a deceased loved one personally, navigating the intricacies of probate law can be a monumental challenge that requires the experience and expertise of a skilled professional. This is where the invaluable role of a probate attorney comes into play. Below, we…
Read MoreLiving Trust vs. Will Guide
Estate planning is crucial to one’s financial journey as it ensures the smooth transfer of assets to loved ones and other heirs after an individual’s passing. This process provides a clear path for asset distribution and offers peace of mind to family members during a difficult time of grief and confusion. When creating an…
Read MoreGuide to Wills and Trusts in South Carolina
A widespread misconception is that estate planning is only for those with large estates. The reality is that any individual who wishes to protect their assets and secure their family’s future should have an estate plan. Estate planning vehicles like wills and trusts document your final wishes and instructions to ensure they are honored.…
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