Legacy Planning

You’ve worked hard to build what you have. So, it’s only natural that you want to establish and nurture a legacy that will last for years or even decades after you are gone.

You are also more than just your name or your estate. You are a caring and giving person, who also has a legacy to be shared with others. At Wiles Law, we understand your desire to protect today what you’ll leave behind tomorrow. In fact, we have an entire process dedicated to preserving your legacy for generations to come.

Our holistic approach to estate planning not only includes the tangible objects and assets you’d like to protect or distribute; it gives you the opportunity to ensure the intangible assets you have are also passed down – morals, values, philosophies, and family narratives. We’ll work directly with you to create a strategy that protects and preserves your legacy, providing tools to help guide instruction to loved ones. We even have a legacy letter you can draft to directly speak your wishes and thoughts to loved ones. To help you start planning your legacy, the first step is to map out who or what helped influence you the most and how you’d like to help them in return.

Below are a few additional abstract questions to map your legacy plan:

⇒ How would you like to keep your family story alive?

⇒ What core values would you like passed down?

⇒ What type of charitable giving is important?

⇒ What philosophies have you used in life for career or investments?

⇒ Most importantly, what do you hope future generations learn from you?

After you have spent some time contemplating these (and similar) questions, you should have started to form the basis for your legacy plan. Finally, drafting a Letter of Instruction is a thoughtful and cathartic method of passing down your legacy within your estate plan. A Letter of Instruction, or “Legacy Letter” as we call it at Wiles, is an estate planning tool that allows you to provide guidance and instruction to loved ones. Although not legally binding, a Legacy Letter can be an excellent way to let future generations know what you believe to be your legacy and what you hope they inherit from that legacy. It can also be an opportunity to say thank you and I love you again, for the last time.

The core idea behind legacy planning is to ensure what we really want to leave behind for our children and grandchildren are protected and preserved. Don’t wait to plan your estate or legacy. Contact Wiles Law Firm, LLC today to speak with our experienced estate planning attorneys. When you become our client, you will have peace of mind knowing that your family and your future will be protected.

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