Living Wills & Advance Directives

Few things in life are as critical as having a well-crafted plan. This philosophy rings especially true when it comes to healthcare decisions.

The unpredictable nature of health issues means that circumstances can change in the blink of an eye. This is why it is paramount to have one’s healthcare preferences documented and legally binding. This is where living wills and advance directives come into play. These legal instruments ensure that healthcare decisions align with an individual’s values and desires, even when they cannot communicate those wishes themselves.


What are Advance Directives

Before delving into their importance, it’s essential to understand what advance directives are.

Advance directives are legal documents that outline an individual’s specific healthcare preferences in scenarios where they may become unable to express their decisions due to illness or incapacity. There are different types of advance directives, but two of the most common are living wills and healthcare power of attorney.

A living will is a document that details the kinds of life-sustaining measures or medical treatments an individual wants in situations where they are terminally ill or permanently unconscious. On the other hand, a healthcare power of attorney assigns a trusted person to make medical decisions on one’s behalf.


Why Are Living Wills and Advance Directives Important?

The importance of having one’s healthcare preferences documented cannot be overstated. Here are the most notable reasons why individuals should craft advance directives with an estate planning attorney.


Ensuring Medical Preferences Are Honored

One of the most compelling reasons to have a living will or advance directive is to ensure that healthcare preferences are known. Everyone has different beliefs and desires regarding medical treatments. Some individuals may wish to pursue every possible intervention, while others may prefer to avoid aggressive treatments and focus on comfort and quality of life. When preferences are documented, guesswork is eliminated, and values guide healthcare decisions.


Reducing Emotional Burden on Loved Ones

When faced with difficult medical decisions, family members often experience significant emotional stress and conflict, especially if there’s uncertainty about preferences. An advance directive can ease the burden on loved ones by providing clear guidance on wishes. This helps family members feel more confident in their decisions on behalf of the individual and reduces potential conflicts among family members with differing opinions.


Legal Protection and Clarity

Working with an estate planning attorney can help to ensure the documents are legally sound and comprehensive. Different states have varying laws and requirements regarding advance directives, and an experienced attorney can provide guidance to ensure the documents meet all legal criteria. This legal clarity protects the individual’s rights and can help to ensure healthcare providers and family members honor the preferences.


Steps to Creating Advance Directives

Creating living wills and advance directives typically involves several steps:


  • Reflect on Values and Preferences: It is essential to consider what medical treatments align with personal values and what outcomes are acceptable. This reflection helps clarify what interventions are preferred in various medical situations.


  • Consult an Estate Planning Attorney: Working with a qualified attorney ensures that the documents are comprehensive and comply with state laws. An experienced lawyer can guide you through articulating preferences clearly and legally.


  • Designate a Healthcare Proxy: Choosing someone trustworthy to decide on one’s behalf is crucial. This person should be informed about the individual’s values and medical preferences.


  • Communicate Wishes: It is essential to discuss preferences with loved ones and the designated healthcare proxy. Clear communication helps ensure that everyone understands and respects the individual’s wishes.


  • Review and Update: The documents must be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect any preferences or changes in health status. This helps to ensure that the advance directives remain accurate and relevant over time.


  • Seek Medical Advice: Consulting with healthcare providers can help clarify the implications of different medical treatments and ensure that the advance directives are well-informed.


  • Document Storage: Store the documents in a safe but accessible place. In addition, it’s crucial to give copies to the healthcare proxy and primary healthcare providers.


  • Legal Formalities: Ensuring all necessary legal formalities are completed is essential for the validity of the documents.


Following these steps allows individuals to create advance directives that effectively communicate their medical preferences, providing peace of mind and clarity for themselves and their loved ones.


Secure Your Future with an Estate Planning Attorney

Preparing a living will or advance directive is a crucial step to ensuring peace of mind and clarity for yourself and your loved ones. These legal documents can provide guidance and alleviate stress during difficult times, offering a secure way to articulate one’s medical and end-of-life preferences. While creating these documents might seem daunting, enlisting the aid of a professional can make a significant difference.

Our estate planning attorneys at Wiles Law Firm assist with navigating the complexities of these legal instruments. They understand the nuances of each client’s needs, tailoring solutions that uphold personal wishes while complying with legal standards. With a steadfast commitment to compassionate and thorough legal service, the professionals at Wiles Law Firm stand ready to support individuals in this critical planning process.

Contact us today.